Posno, Tart

Bez Pečenja: Čokoladni Tart sa Avokadom koji se Brzo Priprema

Pripremite brz i jednostavan veganski čokoladni tart bez pečenja i glutena koristeći Menaž Čoko dugmiće za topljenje. Samo je potrebno izmiksati bademe, lešnike, urme, kakao i kokosovo ulje, pritisnuti u kalup i ostaviti da se hladi. Kremu od avokada, kokosovog ulja i javorov sirupa obogatite rastopljenim dugmićima i solju, preliti preko osnove i ohladiti preko noći. Ukrasite jagodama, borovnicama i dodatnim dugmićima prije posluživanja.


Ukus Grčke Kulture: Recept za Autentičan Pastitsio

In this guide, food enthusiasts explore the creation of Pastitsio, a beloved Greek layered dish blending pasta, ground beef, and creamy béchamel sauce. The detailed recipe promises a sumptuous experience with step-by-step instructions, leading to a savory journey into Greek flavors. It also suggests an alternative quicker recipe for Chicago-style Deep Dish pizza.


Gurmanski Vodič: Ekleri za Sofisticirane Gurmanske Pustolove

Welcome to the world of eclairs, where indulgence and finesse combine for a treat that’s not just delicious but also a canvas for culinary creativity. This recipe guides you through crafting perfect eclairs, filled with creamy goodness and topped with rich chocolate. For those who adore decadent desserts, Amandine is suggested as an alternative, with ingredients readily available at Persu markets.